Musically, I began as a guitarist. I now see myself first and foremost as a songwriter.

I began writing in a rock style and then, in a heavy metal style — a distinction with a difference. It now often includes a cohesive blend of acoustic, classical, and Celtic influences.

My lyrics occasionally contain historical and literary references, as I have an interest in both realms.

All of my songs are available for publishing and performance offers from established and developing artists.

I am indebted to others for the invaluable contributions they have made to the recording and production of my songs and music videos. Accordingly, they are credited in the music videos.

Of note, the song “Sassy,” written with long-time co-writer Fran Bryant, appeared on radio station WKTK’s Maryland Music ’81 Album and in 1987, my song “Bad Attitude” appeared on radio station 97 Underground’s album, The Beast From The East, Volume 1. Both albums were compilation albums of original material by Maryland regional bands.

Additionally, the songs “Sassy” and “Ten Years” were released as an independent 45 rpm record back when that world existed.

Besides music, my other labor of love is helping homeless animals at a local no-kill animal shelter. I’ve been a volunteer there since 2009.

Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or comments. And, I enjoy hearing from current and old friends, acquaintances, and fans.